IBJJF World No-Gi Champion (2009/2010/2011) UAEJJF World Pro Champion (2015) CBJJ Brazilian National Champion (2014) IBJJF Pan American Champion (2009/2011/2013/2014/2017) IBJJF European Champion (2011) IBJJF Pan American No-Gi Champion (2009) ADCC Runner-up (2017/2015) IBJJF World Championship Runner-up (2007/2012) IBJJF World No-Gi Championship Runner-up (2008) IBJJF Pan American Championship Runner-up (2008/2012)
1. Intro/Basic knee cut pass 2. Lepri Knee cut from reverse de la riva 3. Lepri knee cut from folding pass 4. Knee cut from opponent defending jump over 5. Back take from knee cut 6. Knee cut sequences 7. Tripod Knee cut 8. Tripod knee cut back take
1. Spider Lasso punch pass 2. Spider lasso stepping on biceps pass 3. Deep half to kimura trap 4. Deep half hip lock pass 5. Deep half back attack counter 6. deep half back attack counter variation 7. Single leg x counter to monoplata
1. Single leg x shut down variations 2. X guard passing variation 3. X guard passing variation 2 4. Worm guard prevention 5. Worm guard prevention #2 6. Worm guard full shutdown 7. Modified worm guard pass
1. Modified worm guard pass variation 2 2. Modified reverse de la riva shut down 3. Basic pass on Spider guard 4. Spider guard shut down to back take 5. Modified spider guard pass 6. Modified spider guard pass variation 2 7. Sit up guard pass 8. Folding pas against sit up guard 9. Block sit up guard sweep from quarter half guard from single leg
Guard Pass Philosophy Helix Guard Pass Drill Parachutist Guard Pass Drill Leg Drag Drill Chair Drill Pressure Drill Concepts About Guard Pass Stabilization Drill To Stabilize Guard Pass Steamroller Mount Stabilizing Mount Concepts Steamroller Mount Using Head Hand With Hand Grip Steamroller Drill Mounting Working On Side Control Transitions To Mount Side Control Pressure Without Underhook Half Guard Pressure Passing Without Underhook
Hips Control To Pass Flexible Guard Applying The Technique Learned Passing Half Guard Without Underhook With Steamroller Introduction To Drills About Head Control Controls And Concepts About The Head From The Back Attacking The Back From Turtle With Cross Face Pressure And Seatbelt Applying Cross Face Pressure Playing Bottom Inverted Half Guard Cross Face Pressure From Bear Position Applying Side Control Pressure Going From North South and Mount Finishing With Lapel Choke